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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hello Kitty widget

hello kitty widget

A cute hello kitty animation welcome widget.

Grab Yours Today! Copy the green HTML/Javascript text.
*If you have a problem to install html/java script it in blogspot, please click [here]

Corner bottom left - copy this code if you want to put it on bottom left position:

Corner bottom right - copy this code if you want to put it on bottom right position:

Inline / inside - copy this code if you want to put it on your sidebar:

=== sample widget ===


  1. cute cats. nice work

    my link :

  2. how to add to blog?i cute cat..tell me how add?tq

  3. I've been looking for a Hello Kitty widget and I thank you so much for this post!

  4. thank you so much.... the information you provided were very interesting and helpful .... It would be better if you make the matter more easier to understand for common people….

    Make Money , Blogging Tips, Widgets, Free Tools, Tricks



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